Why Dewdrop?

A lot of people have asked me this question over the last three years... Why Dewdrop?

I thought I'll just rewind back three and a half years or so where I was still a beginner writer in one of the software companies in Chennai.

I didn't know I could write.. meaning, write anything other than technical subjects centered around my job, as a technical writer.

One fine afternoon, just as I got back from lunch, a heavy workload had piled up into my inbox. One thing with work back then...it just came in like wind......I was staring at my mail box, mostly because I felt like the work load was a little boring and also because it was a sleepy afternoon after a heavy lunch.

There was this particular manager M who was known to be efficient and of course strict.. If you had worked with any manager in your career, I am sure you would have realized by now, that it takes that implicit or explicit strict aura about the manager to achieve the team's goals. So, that's the kind of manager I am talking about.

I was definitely not expecting Mr.M to walk over to my aisle and ask if I have time to take a role in the company's newsletter. When it comes to doing something on creativity or organizing something back-stage, I had never once said a 'No'. So when asked about the news letter, I said a strong 'Yes'. A few others from M's team also joined the group. We had some interesting thoughts put into action and framed a nice news letter. All the while, I saw reasons why M's team was the team it was - we all were tuned to be so systematic, allowing for some occasional mess-ups and lots of fun. When we were finalizing the layout, there was one more article that we needed. We sought for articles company-wide, and M just decided that I will write that piece. I had no clue what to write, but I still agreed. Sometimes its not what you can do but what the team-player in you can do.

I sat down to write my first ever piece of art outside my work. It was called Have a Nice day. I have posted it here on my blog. Next challenge was to think of a pen name. The major plus about this first piece of writing is that it is hundred percent straight out of my mind, a thought that was pure and un-plagiarised. Pure to me has always reminded of Dewdrop. That's how I picked up this name.

After all the efforts, the management turned down that newsletter. I was of course not able to take it easy while, Mr.M didnt see it as an issue. He only said, 'It was a nice change and a great experience for the team doing that news letter.'.... Way too positive for me to handle, I thought. Coming to think of it now, if it weren't for M's quick invite and my 'just-give-it-a-shot' attitude, I wouldn't have discovered that I can express myself through writing.

I started this blog when I was so occupied at work one day and was beginning to get bored. I thought of writing something outside work, thought of the newsletter work once again, and decided to do a random search on google on where to post anything that is yours... Found blogger.com, remembered friends who used to send me web link to their blogs and just decided to start blogging. Name was an easy choice.. Dewdrop. I didn't have second thoughts.

Thanks to that newsletter effort, Mr.M and thanks to everyone who have contributed in every small or big way to this blog of mine. I didn't think I will see a number of 150 here. This is the 151st post and I thought of stopping a minute to say Thanks to everyone who has directly or indirectly contributed to my writing - people who have given ideas, who have been the subject of my writing, who took time to read my blog and didn't post comments, who had the patience to post comments, who gave constructive criticisms, and who have been very encouraging always.

Over the last three plus years of blogging, I have learnt that Every instance - word, deed, person, experience that you are put into, can give you a Chance to say, do, be, learn, or achieve something New and better.


Anonymous said…
Very nice post. Liked hearing your experiences as to how you started blogging.

Also like the article that you wrote for the newsletter ... very nice n positive one :)

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