If and When
Yesterday afternoon, I was walking past a cubicle and saw this quote written on the whiteboard:
Plant If and When; And Nothing grew.
How true!!!!!
Any decision, commitment, statement, promise reads much better without these two words and the phrase that follows these intelligent words.
Put an 'If phrase' in your statement; then you can clearly say that the probability of the instance is very less.
If possible, I will return the book today. ( Meaning, I am not even attempting!!!!, but I am being nice to keep you informed of the same, hoping you'll take the hint.) If this is not serious enough, try substituting the word 'money' for book.. It should read better....
Put a 'When phrase' in your statement; then you can as well clearly say it wont happen.
When I find time, I'll look at it. ( Meaning, I will not be able to put in the kind of time that your work demands. Just that, this is my way of saying I may or may not be able to do what you are asking..)
Makes me wonder, if this quote was referring to project management. I guess, it suits most walks of life.
The next time we give someone a word, let's be sure not to use 'if' and 'when'. Now that we know what these phrases can mean in commitment and decisions, its better to keep it minimal. I am making a conscious effort starting NOW!!!!!!
Plant If and When; And Nothing grew.
How true!!!!!
Any decision, commitment, statement, promise reads much better without these two words and the phrase that follows these intelligent words.
Put an 'If phrase' in your statement; then you can clearly say that the probability of the instance is very less.
If possible, I will return the book today. ( Meaning, I am not even attempting!!!!, but I am being nice to keep you informed of the same, hoping you'll take the hint.) If this is not serious enough, try substituting the word 'money' for book.. It should read better....
Put a 'When phrase' in your statement; then you can as well clearly say it wont happen.
When I find time, I'll look at it. ( Meaning, I will not be able to put in the kind of time that your work demands. Just that, this is my way of saying I may or may not be able to do what you are asking..)
Makes me wonder, if this quote was referring to project management. I guess, it suits most walks of life.
The next time we give someone a word, let's be sure not to use 'if' and 'when'. Now that we know what these phrases can mean in commitment and decisions, its better to keep it minimal. I am making a conscious effort starting NOW!!!!!!