Cough, Benadryl and Alcohol

Last week's antibiotics eased my throat infection, but then, as we all know, the series of infection-fever-cold-dry cough always takes its own sweet time to completely cure itself off. And we also know that we do take medications to temporarily bring some soothing effect. So, we all know that a fair doctor's fee + antibiotics + long hours of sleep + drugged-effect on face in office meetings + some cough syrup is a very natural process in any throat infection case. ( Well, if you are a doctor reading this, then dont bother explaining the medical science on this... I have always failed to understand why cold takes as long as it wants to take, to cure, inspite of all the medications you prescribe!!!)

I am in the cough syrup phase of the process right now. Yesterday, I disturbed everyone in office with my constant cough and on my way home, I decided to buy a cough syrup bottle. Natural choice was Benadryl, because that was the only name that came to my mind. I did not have the energy / patience for another visit to a doctor's office in five days time span. I am super-scared of another immediate antibiotic dosage.

Benadryl has always been an easy and nice to have medicine. Thanks to the one spoonful of medicine I had, I slept off with my cough quietened. When I tried to wake up this morning, I felt that my head was heavy and eye lids refused to open. I just decided to continue sleeping after managing to reset my alarm. It was the Benadryl ;the Ethanol in it that caused this sleepy drugged effect. I had my friends echoing throughout saying, Stop taking this medicine.. as it will put you to sleep.. Thats not a hazard, so I just let the advice go in the air.

From the time I woke up today, I have not stopped wondering how people who take alcoholic drinks handle it, how they cant stop drinking and how they do not understand how much of a health hazard it is, as much as a purse/wallet-hazard... That is to say, the loss in cash per month for a drinker is much more than that for a person who spends for anything else. I also know people who explain that they know when to stop and have complete control.

Strange... If Benadryl with its minimum ethanol can cause such an effect, how much of a drugged effect the actual alcoholic drink will have? When will people realize that the caffeine in coffee is better than alcohol, to a certain degree?

Yawnnn!!!!!  Have a benadryl free day.


SK said…
As far as I have heard from my doctor friend, there is no medicine for Cold. Whatever doctors gives you are just for the sake to convince the patients. It has specific number of days to get cured automatically.

Atleast you can avoid Benadryl and take other medicines which is not so strong.

I wish you a speedy recovery!!!
Anonymous said…
I think Benadryl rocks...usually the cough n cold can really disturb my sleep. But when I take Benadryl, I really sleep well, and I feel much better.
Anonymous said…
It is not the ethanol in benadryl that is making you is the diphenhydramine in it that is making yuo tired...that is the chemical that affects you that long (8 hours)...on average, an ounce of alcohol will be metabolized in a one hour time span...
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
BarryRobbins76 said…
I am a true believer that Vitamin C both lessens the symptoms of a cold when taken at first sign and reduces recovery time.
Anonymous said…
Hi i am not a drunker, but if i suffer from cold or cough , i ll take RUM, it ll cure me 90%. Don't take benadryl is more dangerous than other alcoholic drinks..

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