We are born with positivity!

All of us are built to be positive. We do not need someone to make us feel positive. 

Going by electrical polarity, current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal. Electrons flow from negative to positive. Just run a search to know more, if you want to convince yourself of your lessons from high-school science classes.

Recall Math lessons? Plus x Minus = Minus.

We are inherently positive people. 

By the Creator’s design, we have a certain mental energy level, which in different theories of Times and Geographies, have been manifested as aura, strength, shakti, positivity and many more of beautiful verbiage in spiritual diction. All of these refer to the inherent drive to live life positively with a purpose ( which we may or may not know ) that each one of us being born in this world will eventually and definitely meet. 

This may be why are able to attract Negatives (Our thoughts, words or deeds may be negatively influenced by something that someone thought, said, or did). 

Pessimism and negativity are perfectly acceptable in life as without them we would not be able to realize what it is like to be optimistic and positive.However, negativity is not appreciated to be dwelling in us, because that’s not what we are created to live with. We do not know to deal with it. None of us does. We simply are not cut to live with negativity.

Negativity disturbs our health and happiness big time! This needs no explanation as you can see that the Internet has scores of articles in every field of medicine associating negativity to stress to dis-ease. Exactly why people talk so much about being positive or staying in the original state of energies that we all have come into the world with.

External agencies ( situations, people, events, incidents, emotions, accidents, expectations, desires, goals, temper, temptations) seem to cause negativity because of our own swiftly depleting positivity that we came in with.

We may need someone to help us know the negatives as ‘being negative to us’. Often a friend, a parent, a foe, a manager, a teacher,  a child, a spouse, or just an angry expressive individual would help us know/feel negativity with their helpful temperamental outbursts or with friendly, calm, soft, caring, emotional, or good word of caution.

As an after-thought, I am thankful for every such exchange, because negatives if unnoticed, by the science and math laws we saw earlier, can just flow towards us and fuse with our inherent positivity and drown us totally.

Let’s thank the sense of being able to identify the negativity, either by self or by seeking help, so we find ways to retain positivity, stay healthy, live happy, and completely on-course with our purpose in life.


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