I’ve come a long way!
After an overwhelmingly occupying morning with the kitchen and kids, from the bath to the dresser to the dining table to the vehicle through the traffic to the office campus gate to the elevator to the desk to the login is a long way for a working mom.
So, when we say, "I’ve come a long way", could it really mean that we have been through some experiences worth our while?
- Dreams take us a long way than the Waking hours.
- Struggles take us a long way than the Effortlessness.
- Failures take us a long way than the Successes.
- Understanding takes us a long way than Indifference.
- Forgiveness takes us a long way than Grudge.
- Truth takes us a long way than Falsity.
- Love takes us a long way than its absence.
The next time you say or hear ‘ I have come a long way’ from someone, watch for these pointers - Dreams, Struggles, Failures, Understanding, Forgiveness, Truth, Love. Along the way, the person would have seen or been through one or all of these experiences that makes her say " I've come a long way'
I have also posted the same post with few edits on: