Love - Beautiful realization

A recent English movie had stirred up my head about the concept of love...

Not that I am the first person questioning this big word LOVE, but it still is okay to rant about it...

What is love really??

Love as I think,  is everywhere, every relationship we share is based on Love.

Dad-Mom, Brother-Sister, Men and women friends, Spouse, Relatives, Neighbours, Teachers, Colleagues, Acquaintances, God - All of them get into one of the circles of love around us. It is more like a concentric circle where the self, sits in the center and is surrounded by circles of people and their love energy.

To everyone in the circles, based on the protocol of the relationship we give and take love in various forms/extent.

That goes to say that Love between a pet and you is not same as the love between you and your son. However, the joy that the love causes only varies by degrees. Joy there is. :) Love there is!!!

What I am not saying is, of course, the pain, the hurt, the disappointments and the fears.. they all are same for Love in various circles...Whichever circle you refer to, the relationship is definitely making/breaking a mark in your life.

What matters finally being able to smile that you were capable of loving someone in some capacity - a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, a spouse, a son, a daughter, a colleague, a stranger. That you are given a chance to express love and care is in itself a blessing... :-)

Beautiful realization and I thought I must talk about it. !!!
By the way, we are not talking about expecting anything in return!!! We cant be the other person in the equation, who thinks like we do!. The often said words " I Love You" mean just that... So we are MINDing our own business when it comes to LOVE.  

The movie: The Fault in our stars. The movie has nothing to do with what I just wrote, but in my deepest conscience, I felt that Love is all-pervading and it took me so many years and this movie, to get it right!!!


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