Wonder Why?
Wonder why
- Floods and famines have less importance than the election rallies?
- Bomb blasts and terrorism are discussed more than the rights and duties?
- Next door man doesn't behave like a friendly neighbor anymore?
- Sending kids to school has become a scary thought?
- In whatever we do there is a sense of caution?
- Amassing wealth for self and family has become more important than amassing love and relationship?
- Easy money and lotteries and game shows are taken more serious than 'just-a-game'?
- Tomorrow seems more important than the lovely today?
- We waste a lot of time doing nothing other than worrying about life at large be it personal, professional, social,economical, or political?
- Man doesn't realize that he has better sense than animals and is supposed to behave like a human being?
- Love and friendship have less importance than money and material comfort?
- Living has become so tough than it was before, given that we live in a more advanced society with better education and supposedly better standard of living?
- We think we can do it all??