Is 2020 going to be hard?

How hard is it to survive in the year 2020? What challenges do you face?
Original text from Quora answer
Why should it be hard?
I start every year thinking that it is doable because ‘hard’ is when: a. complex challenge b. fear of failure c. unsure of know-how d. paranoia about the inability to succeed e. takes a lot of work f. no support. Now that the reasons for hardships are clear there is a clear expectation that it is going to take what it should take to go through it.
It is like when the nurse says, there is going to be a small prick when she inserts a huge needle into your vein for taking out your blood sample... The statement is undermining the pain and hence the pain is less and manageable. So it is all about the statement that you want to etch into your head.
I have started my year saying “ It may be hard at times, but it is doable. “
It is hard this decade generally because of 
1. We have already decided from many news items that it is going to be hard. 
2. There is more greed than there is a need in society. 
3. There is more want despite the haves. 
4. There is more awareness than ignorance. 
5. There is more speed than steadiness 
6. There is more gain than one can manage. 
7. There are more and more material/gadgets and fewer people.
8. There is more of ‘like someone or something’ and less of ‘ unique contribution’ towards anything - personal or professional. 
9. There is less ‘love’ in the world than there is ‘hate’. 
10. There is more of ‘I, Me, Myself’ attitude and less of Our in the conversations both at home and work and world at large.
With all these, not only this year, the forthcoming years in the decade are going to be a little more challenging than ever before. But let’s face it and see what we can do to keep our little world better.
One thing is sure: Complaints, Cribs, Worries, Fights, Blame games, are not going to improve anything by even an iota. If there is a problem, try to solve it like you would a jig-saw puzzle. It is just about finding the right way to approach it, the right people to seek help from, the right attitude to build and the right expectation to have. In the end, things have their own way of mending.
All the fretting do nothing much except aggravate a strained backache/health to the next level. That’s all.


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