Happy New Year 2018!
Too many things over the last one year! It feels nice to look back a bit to realize how much grateful I should be for all the good things in my life over the last one year. And even more grateful for all the support from all the lovely people at various stages, moments, situations in my life. 2017 takes a page in my diary for so many reasons... I figured out that I must work!! I learned all over again, what it is like to face rejects in the job market! I learned to believe in my prayers better when some of them got answered! I knew that the saying " Ask and you shall receive " is often true. I had to ask for every single thing I wanted! It is also the year when I ... took the first step out of my house after my children were born... first was away from kids and cried more than them when I had to send them off to the daycare at school... come back every day anxious to see my children's facial expressions and read their minds... They can't yet ...