Charity - Only needs a thought

Cart full of groceries, Bag of money, Cashless benefits, Wallet full of rich cards, Plentiful eats, Endless shopping sprees, Exotic vacations... These are normal in moderately luxurious households....

I recently met a middle aged lady who is into home nursing service.. I got to know that she is part of the management team of a Home for the desolates and destitute. She and sixteen of her friends run the place with their salaries. Each nurse sends all or most of her salary towards funding this place.  These home nurses talk about their initiative to their contacts and funds come in.

The lady I met earns 10000 per month and sends all of her salary to the cause. When asked if she needed money what she would do, she quickly says "Why would I need money? I live and eat in the place where I work as a home nurse. My travel is taken care of by the house where I live or the Agency. In the rarest of rare situations, when I may need money, my children will spare some cash or my benefactors will appear as God-sends from somewhere. Why worry about tomorrow when I can give today??"

Amazing... isn't this?. Can we all stop to think?


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