Bouquet making
Bouquet of Roses : One of my favorite ways of wishing people. I always thought that Roses brought the best of wishes and expressed all the love in the world... And I know am not the only person who thinks the same.
This rose bouquet was part of a farewell wish. I had asked for a bunch of roses with a few ferns interspersed. The vendor smiled and asked me to choose a color.. I picked Red, as it is the usual routine... pick a color, choose wrapping ( bunch or bouquet), choose fillers ( ferns and other unscented flowers) , select a 'Best wishes' card and then write your name and wish in the little blank space that is available in the card.
The guy set on to work.... Not that I am noticing for the first time, the way bouquets are made, but this time, it was early morning and I was kind of focused on what he was doing, unlike other times, when I would mostly run late for the function that I was attending... So on this day, when I had lots of time before the work day began , I pulled a chair and sat there watching him work on the bunch of roses.
Till date, I had thought that it was just the sender, the bouquet maker's experience and the flowers you choose ( or get ) makes the bouquet look good.... Not really..... I just saw another aspect that made a huge difference... The kind of involvement that the bouquet maker has on the specific bouquet also adds a few points to a perfect bouquet....
If you are not able to see the point.. let me make it clearer... See, for you it is your friend and your dear one.. For the bouquet maker, it is just another customer's job entry. He would have made hundreds of such bouquets and this one may just be one more on the job tray....
This bouquet maker put in the best of efforts .....the extra special care on the satin, the wrap, the dews and the newspaper cover in the end made all the difference....every other bouquet maker might probably do the same... but there is always a difference you see when things are done whole-hearted and as part of a chore....
As I walked back with a beautiful bunch of roses neatly wrapped in a newspaper cover ( not forgetting the appreciation that he owes along with the money) and with a wonderful feeling that you know, if you have ever held a bouquet to gift someone........, I realised, routine jobs need not be boring at all... its the way you see work... :)
This vendor saw my friend's joy when he made the bouquet...he probably saw every customer's friend and the occassion and whatever else his profession involves before he started work.....
Later that day, when my friend's face lit up as she took the bouquet, I said a silent "Thanks" to the bouquet maker, the second "Thanks" for his Job... I was so glad that I had not forgotten to say "Thanks" to him in the morning when he gave me the bouquet.
Never ever fail to appreciate or thank a job well done, however trivial it might be :) is what I learnt that day. It could be a routine job that "Cannot" go wrong, still it is important to acknowledge it, because in effect you are contributing to a better performance in the next to next stereo-typed jobs of the guy, on the same day....
This rose bouquet was part of a farewell wish. I had asked for a bunch of roses with a few ferns interspersed. The vendor smiled and asked me to choose a color.. I picked Red, as it is the usual routine... pick a color, choose wrapping ( bunch or bouquet), choose fillers ( ferns and other unscented flowers) , select a 'Best wishes' card and then write your name and wish in the little blank space that is available in the card.
The guy set on to work.... Not that I am noticing for the first time, the way bouquets are made, but this time, it was early morning and I was kind of focused on what he was doing, unlike other times, when I would mostly run late for the function that I was attending... So on this day, when I had lots of time before the work day began , I pulled a chair and sat there watching him work on the bunch of roses.
Till date, I had thought that it was just the sender, the bouquet maker's experience and the flowers you choose ( or get ) makes the bouquet look good.... Not really..... I just saw another aspect that made a huge difference... The kind of involvement that the bouquet maker has on the specific bouquet also adds a few points to a perfect bouquet....
If you are not able to see the point.. let me make it clearer... See, for you it is your friend and your dear one.. For the bouquet maker, it is just another customer's job entry. He would have made hundreds of such bouquets and this one may just be one more on the job tray....
This bouquet maker put in the best of efforts .....the extra special care on the satin, the wrap, the dews and the newspaper cover in the end made all the difference....every other bouquet maker might probably do the same... but there is always a difference you see when things are done whole-hearted and as part of a chore....
As I walked back with a beautiful bunch of roses neatly wrapped in a newspaper cover ( not forgetting the appreciation that he owes along with the money) and with a wonderful feeling that you know, if you have ever held a bouquet to gift someone........, I realised, routine jobs need not be boring at all... its the way you see work... :)
This vendor saw my friend's joy when he made the bouquet...he probably saw every customer's friend and the occassion and whatever else his profession involves before he started work.....
Later that day, when my friend's face lit up as she took the bouquet, I said a silent "Thanks" to the bouquet maker, the second "Thanks" for his Job... I was so glad that I had not forgotten to say "Thanks" to him in the morning when he gave me the bouquet.
Never ever fail to appreciate or thank a job well done, however trivial it might be :) is what I learnt that day. It could be a routine job that "Cannot" go wrong, still it is important to acknowledge it, because in effect you are contributing to a better performance in the next to next stereo-typed jobs of the guy, on the same day....