It was a shock to see this WhatsApp news item that brought the sad demise of one of the successful businessmen. I dismissed the thought with a sigh at the first instance. Next mention was when I heard someone talk about the same loss. This time, I got thinking about it a little. About an hour ago, many hours after the demise of this gentleman, I read a silent news ticker on a television channel on the same sad demise. That’s when I dialled a friend of mine. For a strange reason, I felt disturbed about the death of this businessman, who is not related, or known to me.
It was a suicidal death. Suicides instigate a fit of anger in me all the time, followed by a deep sadness. I thought it was selfishness at the outset when one person cannot think of anyone else but self when taking such devastating decisions. Try as I might dismiss this news as just another world news, I cannot. I said, 'loneliness and ego could have caused the suicidal thought like most other suicide cases'.
My friend spoke one of his often commendable thoughts... 'What if the person was too good and hence something unfair and intolerable to his goodness of principles made him resort to death?'
I agree... Good one, isn’t it?
The benefit of the doubt of goodness is something everyone on Earth deserves. I suddenly felt a surge of an unknown feeling, I could not place. I was wrong to blame a dead man. I couldn’t be one friend who could alter his thinking the way my friend just did, mine. I could not save the man, and neither could many others who may have been deeply saddened today by this businessman’s demise. Then I have no right to blame him. Here rests my temper on all the suicidal cases that have infuriated me in the past.
Now, with that settled, let me attempt to put my mind on paper on suicides and mitigations.
While there are a lot of survivors, support groups, psychologists, counsellors, and psychiatrists who are researching and working with this cause, if we get the fundamental correct, we would never think of anything as detrimental as a suicide.
Fundamental: Birth is not your mortal choice. What makes you think Death is??
To all those who commit suicide, committed suicide, contemplating one or are having suicidal instincts or those who are reading because you just got reading this piece:
Do we know what it feels like to carry a baby for 9 months and all the associated aches and pains that follow for a long time thereafter while she raised us?
The flesh and blood, the height and weight, the everything and nothing that we have today are also the blessings of our parents, whether we want to agree or otherwise. Some may not have really parented, but bringing a baby to this world is difficult and involves two people to conceive, and a few people to deliver off the mother.
This is a message that to live, you can take help from people because when you came to this world, although you came in alone, there was at least one person to help your mother deliver you off her. If your mother could have handled the pelvic girdle opening apart or a complete deep tear on her body to bring you to the world, what else can be more painful for you??
'My child will make me proud'.. Every mom alive or dead would have said this to herself at least once in her lifetime. What in this world can seem impossible for you than the ordeal she has gone through to see you the way you are on Earth today? Are you doing the right thing to make her proud?
Why do people think of suicide?
Loneliness, depression, Ego, Weakness!
Suicide is the point of give-up because the person has thought through and through about a problem, decided that he can't handle it anymore and ends his life. It is impulsive mostly is what it has led me to believe.
If we choose to just talk to ourselves, believe in our own laws, live life our own way, and in the same way often, chances are we will get bored with ourselves. Monotony kills!. We all need variety and change once in a while.
Universe has a lot of variety in terms of people, places, moods, colours, sceneries, seasons, traits, characters, tastes and looks and much more. Take anything and there is variety.
Why not -
- Talk to a mind other than our own?
- Meet someone with an open mind and welcome a friendship with a warm heart instead of living an isolated life inside one’s own mind?
- Laugh a little?
- Enjoy the little things in life?
- Read a book with someone else’s opinion for a change?
- Move your body a bit for the sways in exercise or dance brings a change/shift in the mind too?
- Believe in the higher good of things and happenings?
- Let go of mistakes and ego?
- See what you can change?
- Live your happy times in the mind again?
- Live through your sad times with a friend/close one to share?
- Pray or meditate for five minutes a day?
Open your arms and mind for once to oblivion, because that is what it is.. Oblivion. We do not know tomorrow. But today, are we doing these things?? If yes, chances are you will have someone treat you to a coffee or sweet in your worst moments of devastation that you will enjoy living just for the joy of feeling loved.
A quiet company, a hand on your shoulder, a tight hug, a phone call, a kind word, a glass of water from someone who cares for you, is all it takes sometimes to see you through the worst times.
If you think you do not have anyone at the moment who can do this for you, be one for someone. You will know the immense joy you get when you help someone and how it soothes your inner wounds and helps you find a new purpose.
The sun will rise again in the East tomorrow morning, for sure, and bring with it another chance to:
- change what you can.
- be what you are purposed to be.
- love what you are gifted with.
- find a friend.
Remember, if we end our lives, we miss another chance to know what we could have been when Sun comes up, with every passing day.
Challenges are chances to grow in Life > Life is Good!> Good is ‘Relative’> It has a superlative!!! > Wait for the best, although it can be hard!
[Interpretation: Challenges > Opportunities > Good Life > Wait > Best is yet to come! So, live to see it happen, why to die a suicidal death? ]
If after all this reading, whether you are convinced, I recommend you to do one of these:
- Call a friend from school/college and talk.
- Meet a spiritual guide.
- Visit a place of worship.
- Write a journal and speak to a friend every day.
- Follow a hobby that makes you calm and liberated.
- Seek help from best online therapy sites.