What is permanent??

Permanent is one word in English Dictionary that probably needs a revision.

The Pink Frock,
The Sapphire stash,
The athlete win,
The mindless chatter,
The aimless walk,
The sinful cream cake,
The perfect figure,
The J-i-T laughter,
The phenomenal performances,
The Jittery and Jinxed firsts,
The rainbow at dawn,
The five-branched palm tree,
The ROFL moments,
The sweet sixteen,
The crazy reading fits,
The laurels,
The quarrels,
The gossips,
The small pain and big gains,
The childhood Innocence,
The God-send moments and people..

All stay as thoughts!!!!

Nothing is permanent physically, but we can keep it all stored in our memory as long as we are sane and our brain cells agree to!!


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