
  • People buy tables and make sure that nothing is kept on it.
  • People fix AC and make sure they cover themselves with a fleece blanket.
  • People wear dresses and make sure that nothing is covered.
  • People work out at the Gym and make sure that they don't leave any heavy, spicy, fatty, food item in any restaurant or bakery unexplored.
  • People watch Television and make sure that their phone and computer is ON in parallel.
  • People live in a gated community and make sure that they are alone, talk of privacy and definitely don't know their neighbours.
  • People earn money and make sure they don't take time to enjoy their money and spends.
  • People talk so much about life and make sure they don't live it to the fullest because of a hundred thousand reasons that each one may have.
  • People talk so much about integrity and fake things because of identity crisis.


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