Why raise your blood pressure??
This evening, I happened to read a random blog on a subject that is totally alien to me. Time flew and I got engrossed in the lines not for the subject but the way it is written. I realized that I had forgotten my world and myself for a while, okay for a long time while I sat reading the blog. Stood up to finish my evening duties and then found a rare sense of calm around me. Everyone else had gone out and I was supposed to be doing my regular ten minute walk at home. While I usually spent my walking time listening to some music, today I spent the time introspecting on how I am feeling the sense of calm that I had never felt in a long time. Life kept me busy over the last few years and it seemed that I had lost track of keeping stress under check. Deciding to bounce back on the track of mental strength I realized few things: People waste energy trying to prove they are correct on any given thing to others. Instead its best to just make a point and leave the decision of acceptin...