Superlatives!!! - Major Grammar lesson
There is always someone who knows better than you do, less than you do, and as much as you do. There is always someone who is elder to you, younger than you and of the same age as you. There is always someone who is nicer than you, not as nice as you, and about as nice as you. There is always someone who cares for you more than you know, less than you expect, and as much as you acknowledge. There is always someone who is happier than you, less happier than you, and as happy as you are. There is always someone who is smarter than you, less smarter than you can appreciate, and as smart as you want to believe. You must just believe that you can be better, elder, nicer, caring, happy, and smart as much as you are capable of. There is no need to really justify yourself as the best in any way. In a tall man's land you may be short. But in a dwarf's land, you may be the tallest. So, its just okay to be what you are, who you are. the way you are, as long as you know you are...