Elephant at a buffet

This is a snap from an email i received this morning from a friend of mine... She sends interesting forwards, I must say... Today's forward was about an artist elephant. As I read the last line which says " buffet of fruits and vegetables at the event.", I could not help thinking why not a full vegetarian buffet for the elephant? Unsure if elephants do not like cooked vegetarian full meal ( including sweets and icecream).. but just imagined this elephant eating a complete buffet meal as a treat for winning the event.... The lunch is held for just the winner at the play ground. There are trucks full of cooked rice, Drums of side dishes, Trolleys of rice mixed appropriately with the side-dishes. There are uniformed men standing at every counter to direct the elephant to the next food item. Every counter has atleast 5 people to help with the serving ,replenishing, and clearing the trolleys. The guest of the day finishes one complete round of the main course and moves ahead ...