
Showing posts from May, 2015

Good Night Kiss

What's in a Good Night Kiss?? I kissed my birthday girl good night after she slept off today with prayers and lots of 'Down the memory lane' thoughts. She  smiled beautifully, although faintly. I am sure she slept off and I still cant stop wondering how she knew the kiss. Somewhere I have read, Kiss your children good night even if they are asleep. They surely know. Back then, I didn't realize that it could be true, but today I did!!! Learnt this : Never miss an opportunity to say love, hug close, and shower kisses on your children. They are the only reasons why you stay grounded most of the time amidst life's rides.

No pains No gains

Searing pain in the lower back moving to the center of the belly, Heavy belly so much so its difficult to walk, Steep ramp making you wonder why ramps are built, Heavy traffic of one cycle making you think why this cyclist has to come in your way... All these happened when I was in labor one year ago. Labor pains started just about early that morning.... And when I stepped inside the hospital, the next thing I knew was the labor board and then the next timing I knew was mid day when my baby boy arrives in a small bundle.... All that fight in the labor room and all the smiles of the victorious doctors made me smile slightly. The aftermath was tough to cope with and when all was wrong with me, the doctors said, " yes this is what is expected!!! Sleep well..We'll come after three hours to check on you." So saying, I was left alone to SLEEP when after all the struggle, physical and mental, I just couldn't close my eye lids. It was a total blank.. and then all hazy......


People buy tables and make sure that nothing is kept on it. People fix AC and make sure they cover themselves with a fleece blanket. People wear dresses and make sure that nothing is covered. People work out at the Gym and make sure that they don't leave any heavy, spicy, fatty, food item in any restaurant or bakery unexplored. People watch Television and make sure that their phone and computer is ON in parallel. People live in a gated community and make sure that they are alone, talk of privacy and definitely don't know their neighbours. People earn money and make sure they don't take time to enjoy their money and spends. People talk so much about life and make sure they don't live it to the fullest because of a hundred thousand reasons that each one may have. People talk so much about integrity and fake things because of identity crisis.