Perfection in Diversity
That's really hard!! This is a random attempt at the thought lines around the subject of how diverse population can make their contribution to a decision in an organization or any focus group for that matter. When we think about any situation or circumstance at work or anywhere for that matter, the decisions will fall into one of the following categories or will be based on one of these categories: Rational : Unbiased and reasonable enough to not cause damage Logical : Has enough parameters to help arrive at a conclusive decision Factual : What you see is all that it is. Cannot be expected to have rational and logical thinking to be the only drivers. There may be external known or unknown parameters that drive these decisions. Decisions have a direct dependency on the Mind which thinks based on: Feeling/Intuition from a Past Experience Motivation to make the decision Emotional need of the hour - One of these may be the wants - Peace, Success, Importance, A...