Sing a song everyday!!!
After a very long time, as long as seven years time frame, I chanced to attend a technical communicator's conference in Bangalore last week. Now, practice is important, even to sit in a lecture hall. I chose lectures that required only my mind to listen and chose to leave out all the hands-on sessions in the conference. I was left with one session in the afternoon that didn't want me to type anything on a computer. That's the only reason why I sat through this session on "Reaching Deeper into Markets". I believe that if something doesn't help me, it may help someone else and I went ahead into the room. The doors to heaven do not have locks, but must be as ornately done as this one and heavier than "heavy" can mean to push!!! is what I felt when I opened the door to the hall where the chosen session was supposed to be conducted. But hard work pays they say!! The talk was engaging and nice in probing into the economics of almost everything I can th...