
Showing posts from August, 2016

The Middle Class Syndrome!!

On a casual Whatsapp conversation thread I received a message with a picture of a man taking both his children to school on a bicycle. It was a rainy morning. He had covered his head with a plastic cover to shield only his head from getting drenched. Both the kids were covered completely with a huge plastic cover. Not because I had nothing better to do, but it was a really stirring picture!!! There was no rain coat, no umbrella. Thoughts went rattling off in my head as usual. May be they didn't expect the rain and the plastic cover idea was  just the best idea at that moment. May be they didn't have the money to afford a rain coat for three. May be they forgot the rain coat at home. May be they are used to umbrellas and it was not practical to hold an umbrella this day especially with the many school things that they were carrying.. .. On a parallel track, my mind went on to these questions too : What if the man skids off his cycle given that it was raining heavily ...